I was exceptionally pleased with the entries I wrote for these awards, the teamwork involved in pulling the words (and then the finalist presentations) together and our place in the shortlist. I knew that Rackspace deserved to be in that group and I was determined to do all I could to ensure their place. It was hard work but it paid off.
We didn't win the top gongs on the night, but I came away with the strongest sense of achievement and the words of none other than our Prime Minister ringing in my ears - "Best of British".
A video message from David Cameron congratulated all of us finalists saying we were an "inspiration not only to the business community but those in government trying to support recovery".
“These awards, they really do show off the best of British...You are the doers and the grafters who will get this country back on its feet. The people who will get our economy growing again. And it’s absolutely right that we should take this moment to recognise what you do”, the Prime Minister said.
Nick Clegg, the Deputy Prime Minister, then took to the stage and delivered the keynote speech to the room packed full of the country’s top business leaders and entrepreneurs and I was there. I was a part of it and it felt amazing!
I'm proud of Rackspace, being British and proud of myself.