A company that cares about the morale of its colleagues will ensure that not only are those facing and experiencing redundancy are the beneficiaries of clear, well-thought out and sensitive communication, but that those left behind can remain engaged and focus on the task in hand. A communicator's role in these times needs to be a master in tact and diplomacy. How do you raise the morale of those staying without upsetting those facing the unemployment line? And, just as importantly, with those working notice periods, how do you keep them engaged in the goals of the very business which is putting them out of work?
Honesty is, as ever, the best policy. Understanding why your role is redundant - and I stress here your 'role' and not 'you' helps to keep loyalty and engagement. In most cases, it is nothing personal. Demonstrating your understanding of what that person is going through, showing empathy and praising a job well done all help to keep the motivation going.
Don't forget to keep talking to those that will remain. It is only natural that most will feel insecure, wondering 'who's next?'. Celebrate success and discuss the reasons behind failure. Now, more than ever, is the time for a bit of transparency. Share your situation with your colleagues, instill that feeling of 'we're all in this together'; 'together we are stronger'. Keep the focus on engagement and ensure that everyone can have a voice.
So, what is employee engagement and why should you bothered about it? Well, I could spout off for hours singing the virtues of engaged employees and I know I'd get through to some people. However, there are others among you who like a bit of theory and fact in with their recipes for success, so here we go. Read it and think! We can't all work for the most interesting and exciting companies in the world, not many companies can afford massage chairs and chill out zones but there is no reason why we can't instill passion in what we do to all our employees. Every business is on a journey and your colleagues are your passengers. What are they seeing out of window? What is keeping them entertained? How much do they understand about what it is that keeps the business going, what your ambitions are and how their role can impact those ambitions? Tell them, and do this in the most engaging way you can. This is what I love about internal communications - the opportunity to bring strategy to life through storytelling, evoking some drama, bringing your characters to life. Who are your characters? Well, your colleagues, your Board, stakeholders and your products & services. If people don't get what it is you're trying to achieve then change the story - add the drama! To me, internal communications is a great opportunity of have fun in the workplace and still see the results in the bottom line. |